唐三風暴發生在一個名為唐三的地方, 成因可能是等人等得太不耐煩了.
開始的時侯, 我就是被 Paul 的指彈半音线條低音加上亞韜簡簡單單的鼓擊吸引過去. 然而事情不比想像容易, 我那些帶試探性的短時值音符自結他上跳出, 奈何混不過去. 那時亞敬呆坐一角, 還未增援, 卻已意識到這是個什麼境況.
在嘗試過一些 whole tone 意念後, 我便決意豁將出去, 順著那密集的十六分一半音傾向且調性不甚明朗的低音, 配以 funky 節奏的頑固單音來個抗衡(或為逢迎), 偶爾還用上八度手法. 想不到才經營了一段 chorus 左右, 喜色終究出現....
亞韜雖如 beyond 所言: 疲倦的雙眼帶著期望; 卻是振奮過來, 不慌不忙間便把電鼓音色向著 FUNKY 檔調去......而亞敬亦有所動作, 拿起結他, 隨手掃出一串串 spicy 味濃郁之和弦.
當低音轉向 walking bass 模式, 加上 Paul 於 bassline 裡頭暗示了和弦之行進, 亞敬改而供應帶藍調色彩的插入樂句. 就在這個時刻, 我的腦子裡湧現了古典聲响, 手指不規則起來.....剛巧 Paul 也放下他的 walking bass 彈法, 他繼而按出朝高音方向推進的連串半音....我但覺心血來潮, 無暇細想, 當下應以下行的 chromatic line, 心中惦記住如何跟 Paul營造好反向 countpoint 旋律, 當場只道感覺極其良好; 至於亞韜與亞敬,自是渾身解數.......
N 個小節過去了, 也記不起出自何許人的 cue, 眾人於相同的一拍下全停過來.
No part of the articles as well as pictures and movie clips on this blog may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the writer.
Karissa 的四月份樂評 "DUET REVIEW"

Chick Corea & Hiromi
“1 night, 2 pianos, 2 sets, 4 hands, 12 songs, 20 fingers, 176 keys, about 600 people in the audience and thousands of musical ideas” exchanged, reflected Chick Corea on this double live album featuring him and a rising star from Japan, pianist Hiromi Uehara.
Avid fans of Chick are no strangers to his duet projects over the years, notably with vibist Gary Burton and pianists like Herbie Hancock, McCoy Tyner and Gonzalo Rubalcaba. Hiromi’s first collaboration with Chick has become some sort of urban legend; 17-year old Hiromi was presented to Chick during the rehearsal, prior to one of his solo piano concert in Japan. “Can you improvise?” Chick asked, a nod from Hiromi and they were playing 4 hands in the show.
Since then, Hiromi attended the Berklee School of Music in Boston and has become one of the top players of her generation. Her first album in 2003, Another Mind, is a big success in every conceivable way. Her original composition style and command of the piano are as inspiring as her super positive personality.
Chick and Hiromi crossed path again 10 years after their first encounter, again in Japan. They did a piano duet show in the 2006 Tokyo Jazz Festival and after the concert; Chick had the idea of recording their live performance. The result is this double album, recorded live at the Blue Note Tokyo in September 2007.
The album featured compositions by Chick and Hiromi as well as a few standards like Summertime, Very Early, Bolivar Blues and even a Beatles tune Fool On The Hill. The playing is inspiring and the interplay is particularly amazing. Obviously, Hiromi is extremely well versed in Chick’s style, muting strings and elbowing the keys et al, to the point that sometimes it is hard to tell who is playing what.
My favourite tracks are “Bolivar Blues”, “Old Castle, by the river, in the middle of the forest” and the anthem “Concierto de Aranjuez/Spain”. If you get the first Japanese edition of this album, there is a bonus DVD as well. Even if you don’t, you can easily find the videos on the net.
All in all, this long awaited album is up there among other great piano duet recordings. Highly recommended.
Karissa Muse
溫馨提示No part of this article may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the permission of the writer.
cooloo回應: 感謝 Karissa 近日百忙中還是交了稿. 我聽過她跟 Hiromi 的電台訪問節目, 煞是精彩. 喜歡她(指 Hiromi)的輝,請注意.
Chick Corea & Hiromi
“1 night, 2 pianos, 2 sets, 4 hands, 12 songs, 20 fingers, 176 keys, about 600 people in the audience and thousands of musical ideas” exchanged, reflected Chick Corea on this double live album featuring him and a rising star from Japan, pianist Hiromi Uehara.
Avid fans of Chick are no strangers to his duet projects over the years, notably with vibist Gary Burton and pianists like Herbie Hancock, McCoy Tyner and Gonzalo Rubalcaba. Hiromi’s first collaboration with Chick has become some sort of urban legend; 17-year old Hiromi was presented to Chick during the rehearsal, prior to one of his solo piano concert in Japan. “Can you improvise?” Chick asked, a nod from Hiromi and they were playing 4 hands in the show.
Since then, Hiromi attended the Berklee School of Music in Boston and has become one of the top players of her generation. Her first album in 2003, Another Mind, is a big success in every conceivable way. Her original composition style and command of the piano are as inspiring as her super positive personality.
Chick and Hiromi crossed path again 10 years after their first encounter, again in Japan. They did a piano duet show in the 2006 Tokyo Jazz Festival and after the concert; Chick had the idea of recording their live performance. The result is this double album, recorded live at the Blue Note Tokyo in September 2007.
The album featured compositions by Chick and Hiromi as well as a few standards like Summertime, Very Early, Bolivar Blues and even a Beatles tune Fool On The Hill. The playing is inspiring and the interplay is particularly amazing. Obviously, Hiromi is extremely well versed in Chick’s style, muting strings and elbowing the keys et al, to the point that sometimes it is hard to tell who is playing what.
My favourite tracks are “Bolivar Blues”, “Old Castle, by the river, in the middle of the forest” and the anthem “Concierto de Aranjuez/Spain”. If you get the first Japanese edition of this album, there is a bonus DVD as well. Even if you don’t, you can easily find the videos on the net.
All in all, this long awaited album is up there among other great piano duet recordings. Highly recommended.
Karissa Muse
溫馨提示No part of this article may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the permission of the writer.
cooloo回應: 感謝 Karissa 近日百忙中還是交了稿. 我聽過她跟 Hiromi 的電台訪問節目, 煞是精彩. 喜歡她(指 Hiromi)的輝,請注意.
> < Call Me Cardman
ZITA 給我演了一個錢幣易位魔術, 過程中她不斷笑謂自己絕對不適合演魔術, 因為, 即使在當話劇時都難以控制如何不發笑.... , 結果? 她的表演隨銀鈴般的笑聲完成.
或許妳感到投入演出不易, 但看來妳是一位好觀眾啊!
現在, 妳又有機會扮演觀眾角色, 只要妳動一動手指頭就行:
More on slide rules
There's another kind of slide rules : the ones used by music lovers. The picture shows one of these . The so called "Musicalculor " was designed by Dr Chau-yuan Li back in the 60's and was cosidered having the same mechanism(with movable rule!) as those used in mathematics.
I found it very helpful especially in explaining to others the construction of the major scale; the formation of chords.... . In the instruction booklet, Dr Li suggests also its application on intevrals; modes; modulation; cannon & serial composition.
My Collection of slide rules
Nowadays lots of people may wonder how to do arithmetic with pen n papers(or even the mental calculation). Though it's not a kind of age test, in the past people really could handle everyday arithmetic without electronic calculators(well, no handphones too).
Back to those older days, some students had the possession of a trusty and user-friendly, yet powerful tool: the slide rules. It operates without battery and can perform some scientific functions. How incredible!!
The picture shows part of my slide rules collection ( they were made mainly from China, Japan and West Germany). Some of them are even in mint condition.
Thank "Kan sir". The chat with him reminds me of the collecting of these gadgets.
人們喜歡英雄; 需要領袖.
我們都有一個主人, 名字叫"習慣".
"意外": 名詞. 指意料之外發生的事,可能跟出錯有關.它的出現會導致突破及創作的事物產生.
起點總會有; 終點則不然.
Full mark only appears in exam papers.
即使處身何等樣惡劣情景下, 原來人還是有可吹牛的內容.
有時侯, 未必需要找出失敗原因, 才可成功.
通曉自己的弱點, 等同於知道自己擁有什麼優點.
不要錯誤期望改變別人, 但應相信人會被影響.
我們都有一個主人, 名字叫"習慣".
"意外": 名詞. 指意料之外發生的事,可能跟出錯有關.它的出現會導致突破及創作的事物產生.
起點總會有; 終點則不然.
Full mark only appears in exam papers.
即使處身何等樣惡劣情景下, 原來人還是有可吹牛的內容.
有時侯, 未必需要找出失敗原因, 才可成功.
通曉自己的弱點, 等同於知道自己擁有什麼優點.
不要錯誤期望改變別人, 但應相信人會被影響.
A conversation with the guru
After the arnis training camp, guru Eric and I went for a short trail starting from the Kowloon reservior to the Lion Rock. The finish time was about one and a half hour.
During the walk, I learned that one of his favourite activities was fishing. He taught many people how to pick up the hobby in his hometown and was a member of the fishing association. "I 've been to many places for fishing... . Yet I can't find any other filipino here taking it as a hobby like me . Those fishing guys around me are local chinese." 'Eric said with joy. Hearing that, there's no doubt Eric knowing the feelings of me joining the group( not the fishing group!).
More about Eric http://imafphk.multiply.com
During the walk, I learned that one of his favourite activities was fishing. He taught many people how to pick up the hobby in his hometown and was a member of the fishing association. "I 've been to many places for fishing... . Yet I can't find any other filipino here taking it as a hobby like me . Those fishing guys around me are local chinese." 'Eric said with joy. Hearing that, there's no doubt Eric knowing the feelings of me joining the group( not the fishing group!).
More about Eric http://imafphk.multiply.com
一直都喜愛收集 MUSICIAN'S JOKES, 猶其是那些挖苦之餘滲出襌味的.....印象深刻的 MUSICIAN'S JOKE 是多年前一次在後台自ANGELITA LI 口裏分享出來之 BB KING 笑話.
前些時候, 在 ACTIVEBASS 中讀了一則 BASS PLAYER JOKE. 雖然, ACTIVEBASS 是針對 BASS PLAYER 而設的社區, 其笑話欄裏分有不同主題的笑話, 如 "結他手"; "鼓手"...等等.
那則笑話大意是如此這般的: 大男孩報了一個月上四次課的低音結他課程, 第一星期上了第一堂課, 回家後, 付學費的父親問他學到什麼, 回答說懂得 E 弦上的 5 個音名, 父親暗暗歡喜. 如是者又過了一星期, 父親再問, 大男孩雀躍不已地答, "這堂課老師教了 A 弦上的 5 個音名."
第三堂課過去了, 教父親吃驚的是放了學很久還不見大男孩返家, 待看到他遲遲歸來時, 竟發現他滿身酒氣又口叼香煙踏進屋中, 未待父親開口, 他已主動道歉, " SORRY, 我沒有去上課, 我去了彈 GIG 嘛!"
我不感到被冒犯, 雖然, 我也有彈 BASS.
前些時候, 在 ACTIVEBASS 中讀了一則 BASS PLAYER JOKE. 雖然, ACTIVEBASS 是針對 BASS PLAYER 而設的社區, 其笑話欄裏分有不同主題的笑話, 如 "結他手"; "鼓手"...等等.
那則笑話大意是如此這般的: 大男孩報了一個月上四次課的低音結他課程, 第一星期上了第一堂課, 回家後, 付學費的父親問他學到什麼, 回答說懂得 E 弦上的 5 個音名, 父親暗暗歡喜. 如是者又過了一星期, 父親再問, 大男孩雀躍不已地答, "這堂課老師教了 A 弦上的 5 個音名."
第三堂課過去了, 教父親吃驚的是放了學很久還不見大男孩返家, 待看到他遲遲歸來時, 竟發現他滿身酒氣又口叼香煙踏進屋中, 未待父親開口, 他已主動道歉, " SORRY, 我沒有去上課, 我去了彈 GIG 嘛!"
我不感到被冒犯, 雖然, 我也有彈 BASS.
這本書是我最近作執拾時把它發掘出來的, 從各跡象看, 之前我曾讀了不到100 頁, 接下來便放下了它...為什麼? ZIGLAR 的書不是向來都易讀; 濃度高; 充塞了幽默元素嗎?
不過, 我還是把它讀完.
一開始, ZIG 即指出 REACTING 跟 RESPONDING 之分別(我想我會以反應及回應來譯此兩字), 雖說不是什麼嶄新概念, 其重要性可抵上全書. 而 ZIG 的寫作特色之一為使用大量現實生活例子, 更覺所說理論不是空洞或不著邊際....
本書談如何先讓自己成為TOP PERFORMER, 從而引發他人為自己所領導, 再分享怎樣激勵其他 TOP PERFORMER, 過程中強調到性格分析作為工具之應用.
不過, 我還是把它讀完.
一開始, ZIG 即指出 REACTING 跟 RESPONDING 之分別(我想我會以反應及回應來譯此兩字), 雖說不是什麼嶄新概念, 其重要性可抵上全書. 而 ZIG 的寫作特色之一為使用大量現實生活例子, 更覺所說理論不是空洞或不著邊際....
本書談如何先讓自己成為TOP PERFORMER, 從而引發他人為自己所領導, 再分享怎樣激勵其他 TOP PERFORMER, 過程中強調到性格分析作為工具之應用.
縱然有點老生常談, 有益書籍多看也不壞吧
Confession of an arnisador
The story began a couples of days ago during the rank promotion exam for the modern arnis training. And it ended (?) with my practice partner saying, "it's part of the game".
Though she was one of the best partners amongst other, her luck was not as good as her skills. Due to my carelessness, she was hurt by the hand when I did the blow after the blocking and checking with the kali. Luckily, she was kind and accepted my apology.
The moral is :"Mind one's own risk as well as others."
Though she was one of the best partners amongst other, her luck was not as good as her skills. Due to my carelessness, she was hurt by the hand when I did the blow after the blocking and checking with the kali. Luckily, she was kind and accepted my apology.
The moral is :"Mind one's own risk as well as others."
Now You Are Talking
人喜歡賣出自己, 但不愛被他人出賣.
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