I played musical saw in the past and I trained myself to do it in both left or right hand style.
No part of the articles as well as pictures and movie clips on this blog may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the writer.
差不多每次跟JOE 哥見面, 也會收到他給我的一大份摺紙製圖.
除摺紙之外, 我還喜歡鑽研種花養魚; 設計首飾; 蔬果雕花; 時裝紙樣設計; 烹飪…..等等.
既然擁有廣泛興趣, 時間管理就要做得好. 我亦常跟我家中小朋友分享這個.
對, 我每天的平均睡眠時間大概只有四小時.
開始摺紙時, 我學會摺很多其他人的作品. 我認同基本功及循序漸進的重要. 那時, 我為自己訂下了摺紙的目標: 摺出十萬件作品.
但最終還是對目標作出了調整: 作品數目改成1,000 件!
原因是當我摺了大概五萬件作品的時候, 朋友提醒了我! “為什麼我不考慮創作自己的摺紙作品呢?” 於是, 我給自己時間累積一千件個人創作.
至現時為止, 作品數量約為1,300左右, 單有成品或腦中已寄存了清晰步驟而卻未畫妥製圖的不計算.
曾有朋友被我的蜈蚣作品嚇暈!! 也碰到別人誤把我的蠅虎當真而將之拍扁!!!
我的昆蟲系列自然是我的至愛之一, 我亦嘗試以利是封; 茶包包裝紙; 公文袋; 六合彩表格等不同素材來創作.
要收藏摺成品, 空間是第一時間要面對的. 所以, 我會盡量把作品摺至最細小, 或許, 就練出了我的功底來.
而最近, 我較多投放時間在繩結編織與六合作彩數學方程式上.
除摺紙之外, 我還喜歡鑽研種花養魚; 設計首飾; 蔬果雕花; 時裝紙樣設計; 烹飪…..等等.
既然擁有廣泛興趣, 時間管理就要做得好. 我亦常跟我家中小朋友分享這個.
對, 我每天的平均睡眠時間大概只有四小時.
開始摺紙時, 我學會摺很多其他人的作品. 我認同基本功及循序漸進的重要. 那時, 我為自己訂下了摺紙的目標: 摺出十萬件作品.
但最終還是對目標作出了調整: 作品數目改成1,000 件!
原因是當我摺了大概五萬件作品的時候, 朋友提醒了我! “為什麼我不考慮創作自己的摺紙作品呢?” 於是, 我給自己時間累積一千件個人創作.
至現時為止, 作品數量約為1,300左右, 單有成品或腦中已寄存了清晰步驟而卻未畫妥製圖的不計算.
曾有朋友被我的蜈蚣作品嚇暈!! 也碰到別人誤把我的蠅虎當真而將之拍扁!!!
我的昆蟲系列自然是我的至愛之一, 我亦嘗試以利是封; 茶包包裝紙; 公文袋; 六合彩表格等不同素材來創作.
要收藏摺成品, 空間是第一時間要面對的. 所以, 我會盡量把作品摺至最細小, 或許, 就練出了我的功底來.
而最近, 我較多投放時間在繩結編織與六合作彩數學方程式上.
Cooloo 一月份書評
圖.KEN STORM 文.台長
內容易讀, 要吃力去看的反而是收錄了8 個不同天氣現象在香港過去日子裡一整天中變化之CD ROM.
圖.KEN STORM 文.台長
內容易讀, 要吃力去看的反而是收錄了8 個不同天氣現象在香港過去日子裡一整天中變化之CD ROM.
Think positive: Kissed by a dog
I didn't really know calf(or my own calf…and, hopefully not ass) was dog's favourite plaything nor his real motive of bite. How could he know in the first place that the cliché saying of “he's my best friend” was never my motto? I was thinking to myself at that very moment,”Give me a break la, I'm jus a passer-by.”
So,….what's that lesson?
Never ever leave home without DISCLAIMER because information found in those like survival handbooks may not be helpful at all.
(俾狗咬乃真實個案, 絕非爛GAG)
So,….what's that lesson?
Never ever leave home without DISCLAIMER because information found in those like survival handbooks may not be helpful at all.
(俾狗咬乃真實個案, 絕非爛GAG)
Steven 之樂評 (JAN)
SUGIZO--日本視覺系樂團 Luna Sea之吉他手 也是日本史上具有影響力的吉他手之一 他的吉他音色獨具個人風格 迷幻中帶著一點憂傷的感覺 他善用delay效果 有時候他的吉他不太像吉他 而是一種效果 一種音場 一種感覺 除了吉他 他也是一位小提琴手 這張專輯中的小提琴也是出自SUGIZO 之手
整張專輯以電子元素為主 加上他的吉他 有一種奇妙的REMIX效果 聽似混合卻又有點抽離 大多以幾個主題 或LICKS串成 並沒有清楚的主歌副歌之分 有些歌更加入了日本民族式吟唱 相當有味道
1. COSMOSCAPE--以加了DELAY的木吉他APPEGIO 貫穿整首歌 加上迷幻的電吉他SOLO 呈現出神祕的氣氛
SUGIZO--日本視覺系樂團 Luna Sea之吉他手 也是日本史上具有影響力的吉他手之一 他的吉他音色獨具個人風格 迷幻中帶著一點憂傷的感覺 他善用delay效果 有時候他的吉他不太像吉他 而是一種效果 一種音場 一種感覺 除了吉他 他也是一位小提琴手 這張專輯中的小提琴也是出自SUGIZO 之手
整張專輯以電子元素為主 加上他的吉他 有一種奇妙的REMIX效果 聽似混合卻又有點抽離 大多以幾個主題 或LICKS串成 並沒有清楚的主歌副歌之分 有些歌更加入了日本民族式吟唱 相當有味道
1. COSMOSCAPE--以加了DELAY的木吉他APPEGIO 貫穿整首歌 加上迷幻的電吉他SOLO 呈現出神祕的氣氛
3.CAGE-- 以吉他RIFF貫穿整首歌 加上DRUM AND BASS的節奏 相當有速度感
6.DELIVER-- 電子式BOSSA 吉他沒有太突出表現 但味道很棒 中段加入的 LO-FI DRUM LOOP 有驚喜
7.REST IN PEACE& FLY AWAY--非常PEACEFUL的歌 以木吉他為底 小提琴獨奏 旋律感人
8.SWEET-- 帶中國調的民謠曲風 是裏面唯一一首有獨唱的歌 旋律簡單好記
Guro Eric says "Now is the time."
Now is the Time……..
My Family spent their Christmas here in Hong Kong , my wife and my three kids arrived last 22nd of December and stayed here for two weeks.
During their visit, they bring a lot of stuff for me from Philippines because I have never been back home for the last eight months, they also bring their own personal effects, my wife bring along with her the perfume that I gave her last Christmas whom she seldom used because she like it very much, besides its my Christmas present to her last year.
On that night that they arrived, she opens it up and put it on the cabinet stand but she noticed that the bottle was empty. Due to unexplainable reason the perfume evaporates somewhere, maybe due to the cabin pressure of the airplane or maybe due to the altitude, no one knows and we can not imagine how it happened.
During comforting her on her disappointment, I have a word with my wife, I told her that next time I give you a perfume use it often, enjoy it and finish it up to the last bit, do not spare it for tomorrow because if you keep the perfume with you forever and never use it, I may not have the chance to exert effort to buy another one for you, tomorrow there will be another one, and along with my kids I told them, it is just like in life we must enjoy now and no need wait for the next day because we do not know what will happened tomorrow, time is very precious and you can not go back in time, when it pass its gone………
Lesson of my story.. ..Make use the best of your time, be happy now and make every moment memorable and enjoy life because life is a journey treasure every bit of it………
My Family spent their Christmas here in Hong Kong , my wife and my three kids arrived last 22nd of December and stayed here for two weeks.
During their visit, they bring a lot of stuff for me from Philippines because I have never been back home for the last eight months, they also bring their own personal effects, my wife bring along with her the perfume that I gave her last Christmas whom she seldom used because she like it very much, besides its my Christmas present to her last year.
On that night that they arrived, she opens it up and put it on the cabinet stand but she noticed that the bottle was empty. Due to unexplainable reason the perfume evaporates somewhere, maybe due to the cabin pressure of the airplane or maybe due to the altitude, no one knows and we can not imagine how it happened.
During comforting her on her disappointment, I have a word with my wife, I told her that next time I give you a perfume use it often, enjoy it and finish it up to the last bit, do not spare it for tomorrow because if you keep the perfume with you forever and never use it, I may not have the chance to exert effort to buy another one for you, tomorrow there will be another one, and along with my kids I told them, it is just like in life we must enjoy now and no need wait for the next day because we do not know what will happened tomorrow, time is very precious and you can not go back in time, when it pass its gone………
Lesson of my story.. ..Make use the best of your time, be happy now and make every moment memorable and enjoy life because life is a journey treasure every bit of it………
Cooloo: It reminds me of the chinese saying, "活在當下"(seize the moment).
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