
> < homemade cut capo

To make a cut capo, all I need to do is to sacrifice my drop-d capo and have a sharp cutter as well as some fine grain paper handy...

With the cut capo sitting on the second fret, it's easy to get the drone Es. Strumming across those six open strings will produce a nice sus sound.


headphone amp for bass guitar

終於待到它的出現...早已在廣告上讀到, 但是, 並非所有地方都出售BASS版的HEADPHONE AMP. 心想自己幹麼不打造一隻...然而人總是懶墮(豈只惰)的.

由於不抱太大期望, 聲音還算可以的. 玩拍线時卻聽見自己拍打BASS聲摻雜耳機內的聲音, 感覺有一點兀突!

老實說, 售價是貴了一些.