No part of the articles as well as pictures and movie clips on this blog may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the writer.
多謝"蘑菇"發出助力, 驅動我使這 BLOG 生長起來. 但當你看到熊貓大頭時, 可會以為我最喜愛的動物正是熊貓(或想像某時侯我的樣貌會變回熊貓模樣, 此言差矣)....我當然不討厭它, 但我最喜歡的三種動物分別為:貓; 大象; 蝙蝠.
1 則留言:
恭喜你開blog成功!無需客氣其實都沒做過什麼。不過這是認識你以來第一次閱讀你的文字,感覺都頗特別 :D