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The magic works... at least for me
The magic of getting things done is simply putting the plan in word(no pun intended) on paper.
Cooloo's book review (Dec)
To me,"how naughty you are" can be the same as "how creative you are".With using only one hand while the other one maybe busy flipping ..., different stories are told from the pictures by positioning the hand shape just beneath the cut-out area on the page as shown.
Not much need to say about the entertainment brought to the readers by this interesting book and its instructions sure are as clear as possible though more PROJECTS and themes seem to be better.
Not much need to say about the entertainment brought to the readers by this interesting book and its instructions sure are as clear as possible though more PROJECTS and themes seem to be better.
Guro Eric says: ABOUT ME
Hi, my name is Enrico T. de Leon, you can call me “Eric”, my Chinese friends call me “Leon” and I told them that my Chinese name is “LEON Ming Lai” (not Lai Ming) but that was just a joke. I am a Filipino, happily married with three wonderful kids. I am a Civil Engineer by profession and I been working in Hong Kong since 1995. I am a simple man with simple happiness and with wonderful Friends, I was born under the sign Virgo and Tiger, I love to do thing alone and behind the curtain. I enjoy fishing a lot and earn a lot of Chinese friend on it. I also enjoy hiking but do not have much time on it. I am also a practitioner of Modern Arnis, a Filipino martial arts using a stick of 28 inches long in which the techniques and movements are applicable to both empty hands and with weapons (Knife & Bolo). I’ve been sharing this Art and culture to my fellow Filipinos in Hong Kong and to other nationals who wanted to learn it, In sharing this martial arts I earned the respect to be called Guro Eric.
在我短片中出現的主角名字是小啤, 他是來自RILAKKUMA熊家族.
他跟其它RILAKKUMA熊不一樣, 他的頭頂爆線, 所以, 在片中有他梳頭的一幕…或許, 人們叫這作”暇玼”, 但它正彰顯了每個不同個體之獨特性.
當小啤踏進我家時, 我已發現到他很喜歡沉思.
理解我在創作上的想法的人也不多, 除你們幾位朋友外, 我太太亦是…她有很大程度之參與.
拍片前,我會認真與公仔溝通, 掌握它們的性格, 並考慮在自己所寫的劇本當中, 有哪些適合它們去演…
當然, 公仔們懂得以其方式亙相溝通, 而且是超越語言文字的…正如我們日常生活中, 你不用開口問, 卻可掌握到寵物的心情一樣.
長遠來看, 我會找真人作演員. 不過, 怕是09 年夏天或以後的事了. 原因? 我需要多點時間去揣摩拍攝技術, 例如是如何透過鏡頭營造氣氛…
在”草草不恭”寫影評也是種學習, 因為, 自己因此看多了別的人寫的影評, 從中自然吸收不少.
COOLOO回應: 感謝ERIC 寫了多篇影評, 他是少數不用催稿的人, 而且給我選擇之餘, 又肯聆聽意見, 有著積極的工作態度.
他跟其它RILAKKUMA熊不一樣, 他的頭頂爆線, 所以, 在片中有他梳頭的一幕…或許, 人們叫這作”暇玼”, 但它正彰顯了每個不同個體之獨特性.
當小啤踏進我家時, 我已發現到他很喜歡沉思.
理解我在創作上的想法的人也不多, 除你們幾位朋友外, 我太太亦是…她有很大程度之參與.
拍片前,我會認真與公仔溝通, 掌握它們的性格, 並考慮在自己所寫的劇本當中, 有哪些適合它們去演…
當然, 公仔們懂得以其方式亙相溝通, 而且是超越語言文字的…正如我們日常生活中, 你不用開口問, 卻可掌握到寵物的心情一樣.
長遠來看, 我會找真人作演員. 不過, 怕是09 年夏天或以後的事了. 原因? 我需要多點時間去揣摩拍攝技術, 例如是如何透過鏡頭營造氣氛…
在”草草不恭”寫影評也是種學習, 因為, 自己因此看多了別的人寫的影評, 從中自然吸收不少.
COOLOO回應: 感謝ERIC 寫了多篇影評, 他是少數不用催稿的人, 而且給我選擇之餘, 又肯聆聽意見, 有著積極的工作態度.
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