Guro Eric says: ABOUT ME

Hi, my name is Enrico T. de Leon, you can call me “Eric”, my Chinese friends call me “Leon” and I told them that my Chinese name is “LEON Ming Lai” (not Lai Ming) but that was just a joke. I am a Filipino, happily married with three wonderful kids. I am a Civil Engineer by profession and I been working in Hong Kong since 1995. I am a simple man with simple happiness and with wonderful Friends, I was born under the sign Virgo and Tiger, I love to do thing alone and behind the curtain. I enjoy fishing a lot and earn a lot of Chinese friend on it. I also enjoy hiking but do not have much time on it. I am also a practitioner of Modern Arnis, a Filipino martial arts using a stick of 28 inches long in which the techniques and movements are applicable to both empty hands and with weapons (Knife & Bolo). I’ve been sharing this Art and culture to my fellow Filipinos in Hong Kong and to other nationals who wanted to learn it, In sharing this martial arts I earned the respect to be called Guro Eric.