Well, I'm still keepin most of the articles I wrote durin those old days somewhere hidin inside the drawers. So, EL, can you recall your helpin me out in writin a series of columns on record collectors by givin me related materials like those about your auction held in Hawii?(get hint from the picture)
EL's comment: I still have those old "Music Week" articles. Looking back now, I wish I didn't auction my collection at the time. Less than one year after I sold most of my rare memorabilia, I got a call from a guy named Yves Beauvais, who produced the Led Zeppelin box set. Atlantic Records was in the process of making a Yes box set called YesYears (www.tinyurl.com/yesyears), they were looking for pictures of the 7" single sleeve for the booklet; I used to have quite a few of those 7" singles but sold most of them. I offer to send him pictures that I took but he said it had to be taken professional. I lost the chance to be included in the box set :(