
Karissa 五月份樂評: Larry Coryell (PART 1)

My Larry Coryell Recommendation (Part 1)

After reading Larry Coryell’s autobiography a while ago, Cooloo asked me if I could recommend some Larry Coryell albums and several immediately came to mind. It is an honour for me to write about his music; after all, Larry is my first guitar teacher when I started to play jazz. I have listened to him for twenty plus years and witnessed his evolution as a musician. Since the 60s, Larry has been on a musical quest that took his audience through various genres, in search for that elusive universal beauty. What I am going to do is to pick a couple albums from each period of his artistic evolution, from jazz-rock to acoustic to modern classical and back to his jazz roots.

Jazz-Rock Fusion (Late 60s to early 70s)
Larry Coryell first came to prominence in the 60s as a jazz-rock guitarist. In those days, experimentation was the thing and musicians were all trying fuse jazz with other musical styles. Rock music was the new thing on the scene and it reached audience way beyond jazz’s scope. In fact, jazz was on the out during the 60s, being considered ‘old’. Jazz musicians were looking for a change, partly because of survival. The marriage of jazz and rock came naturally, as evident in the music of Mongo Santamaria, Herbie Hancock, Gary Burton (with whom Larry Coryell made his early recordings) and the decade ended with Miles Davis’ ground breaking Bitches Brew album which pushed jazz-rock fusion to the forefront. My Larry Coryell pick from this period is definitely the 1974 album ‘Spaces’ (recorded in 1969) --- the super band consisted of Larry and John McLaughlin on guitars, Chick Corea on keyboards, Miroslav Vitous on bass and Billy Cobham on drums. All these players later formed influential jazz-rock fusion bands like the Mahavishnu Orchestra, Return to Forever and Larry’s 11th House. A detailed description of the album seems unnecessary given the caliber of the players involved. The music is a fusion of rock rhythms and jazz harmony with excellent solos by all musicians; check out the burning electric guitar solos on ‘Spaces Infinite’ and the acoustic guitar duet ‘Rene’s Theme’ where McLaughlin took the first incredible solo. The tune is a nod to Rene Thomas, the legendary Belgian jazz guitarist. On the classic Scott LaFaro tune ‘Gloria’s Step’, Miroslav took a beautiful arco solo with Larry providing some interesting comping before jumping into a twist-and-turn solo that most jazz purist of that time might frown upon. I listened to the album again before I am writing this and the music is as fresh as it was recorded in 1969. Once again, good music transcends time.
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> < A Quickie For Auntie

Thank You For Watching


The Dedication

Hi "Rainbow"

Thank you for the dedication of the song that you've been listening for two long years every single night. Absolutely, as you said, it's a sad song. However, it got its own special color. Right?

Tell you a little story behind my writing of "Handy" inside the CD I gave you. While I was toying with the drop D capo (gadget for guitar playing ) once, an interesting idea of using it in some other fancy manners came up suddenly. To cut the long story short...,then, there's the birth of that acoustic instrumental.


彩虹, 你好:

多謝你送給我的歌, 它是一首你持續了兩年而且每個晚上都聽的歌, 誠如你說, 它蠻傷感的,不過,卻別有一番味道, 然否?

給你說一個小故事, 它是關於收錄在送你的CD上的那首個人創作 “Handy”. 有一回, 正當我在把玩彈結它用的Drop D capo 時, 突發奇想,腦中現出使用它的另類法子. 長話短說...,正是如此, 這個木結它演奏曲便誕下來.



> < Havin' funk

It's a DIY jam with myself doing improvisation on my

pre-recorded guitar part using the recording function

of the guitar amp.

Thank you for watching

> < Flamenco Tap

Thank you for watching


Beat the system: the Mark Six...拆六合彩

The theme song for the Mark Six lottery in town was known to me as an instrumental composition. In actuality, this is an old song titled "Inkpot" and sung by a female vocalist from the group "Shocking Blue".

Now, Elaine is doing her vocal part at Tong3 with us backing on bass, drums and two guitars. After the non-stop watching of the footage on Youtube, we take down the changes as well as rythm patterns played by the instruments.

Though the song seems to be pretty simple, we just couln't grasp its vibes yet.

我過往一直以為城中六合彩主題音樂是原創的器樂作品, 事實上, 它出自"Shocking Blue" 樂隊之舊歌 "Inkpot" , 此歌由其女歌手演譯.

現下, 唐三的Elaine 擔任主唱, 我等伴以電貝司; 鼓....還有兩把結他. 在不停翻看Youtube 之片段後, 我們默記了歌曲的和弦變化及節奏模式等.

可這歌看似簡單, 卻仍未能奏出其神韻.

*Well, you don't have to read both.





At the flea market....

Last week, when I was playing the role of the booth owner, a teenage girl suddenly appeared in front of me glancing at the things on the table. Finally, she spoke up,"Any free stuff?"

What? I thought to myself," Do you take it as a web site or something?"

To cure her curiosity, I opened my mouth," How about a set of lunch?"

* * *

I met a friend(among others) at the flea market while she was selling bouquets of origami paper flowers and stuffed animals. The picture shows also the gift of koala from her.


COOLOO的 五月份書評 : "某些生活日誌 " 沈岩著

本來, 心目中已有要寫的書, 但剛剛收到朋友最新印好的"某些生活日誌", 也好, 就先拿它來作分享. 不過, 據聞這書要待到接近暑假時候才於書店發售.

如果, 我對"某些生活日誌"有著偏見的話, 那些偏見相信不是出於跟作者認識, 反而是來自跟沈岩之前出版的"紅五月"做比較吧, 若然當真, 要作伸辯: 潛意識自發式作祟又奈何它不得 ?! : *)

其實, 當書一拿到手上, 腦子即閃現出"紅五月"之封面, 明顯的, 新書的封底面設計到書紙顏色厚度皆告訴我其當代感頗強, 再隨手一翻, 只見排版看來舒服, 照片數目亦不見得少.

"某些生活日誌" 跟 "紅五月" 於形式內容上都相近, 裹頭有書信; 散文; 詩作與小說等. 談的都圍繞作者生活中的所感所思, 而兩書描述的事件發生時間順序有所重疊.....

"某些生活日誌"中充塞了大量本地廣東口語(部份附上補充解釋), 這個處理呈現出作者作為一個同化了的本地人之一面. 當把這些散文如拼圖般砌起來時, 作者走在寫作路上之前因後果; 面對懊惱不順心時, 還以看似無奈的等待或巧撞上朋友一句解鈴之語....都會對其它同路中人起正面鼓勵功能!

真實生活中的作者如他於書上云, 其不擅以說話去表達自己, 卻找對了這個方式. 作者說除寫作之外,不大曉得其它東西, 寫作路能走到這兒, 靠的只是堅持而已.(見書信廿五)

那些書信寫來平實卻動人; 散文中不乏溫柔浪漫句子; 說軍事歷史等題目又不致沉悶...所以, 讀起來蠻享受的.



認識 MICA 超過十年, 知道他向來注重個人之外覲衣飾, 且累積了廿多年對收藏玩意的心得與經驗...

我所收藏的不單是金筆手錶, 還包括皮帶; 戒指; 其它個人飾物....

如果只能給我選擇一種類別的話...., 我會揀選手錶.

我最反對的是病態式的收藏. 即是不擇手段, 但求滿足個人無盡之佔有慾, 至於經濟能力或投資因素全不考慮! 這個不算是"玩收藏", 而是"被收藏玩弄"!!

流通性很重要, 舉例, 在我收藏的手錶當中, 每隔若干時間, 便有買入或賣出; 由於升值關係, 就如人家給錢請你戴一段日子手錶.

有什麼個人至愛藏品? 自然有不少. 已故逃脫大王HARRY HOUDINI的限量紀念版金筆對我來說有著重大意義, 全球大約有十枝左右, 當年香港僅配給了兩枝, 金筆店主以友情價賣給我, 至今, 亦升值不少.

"鵝仔筆" 是很多朋友游說我出讓的藏品之一, 因為它顏色奇特, 由罕有樹脂所造...從出廠當年歷史來看, 絕對是極品.

對, 相關知識如歷史都要具備, 否則, 被人識別為"烏蠅", 就要 "坐艇"! 意謂在交易中中伏.

行內有很多術語, 例如, 向店主問價之時會說什麼胃口, 交易時佔到便宜稱為"捉鶢"; 還有其它術語, 像 "蛇虫鼠蟻"; "真鬚假牙"等....

依我看, 收藏玩意有怡情養性的功能, 也能訓練個人眼光. 當然,不要忘掉玩意可投資保值.

有一天, 或許, 我會從玩家昇級成為經營這門買賣生意.

*HK STYLE: 我很喜愛看HK MAGAZINE 中的 BACKUP版面之人物篇,所以寫了這個. 感謝 MICA在交談中分享了買賣雙方議價心理戰對拆心得!


> < 4 Cinco de Mayo



Eric的五月份影評 "藝術"






COOLOO回應: 人往往喜歡慵懶地呆在自己的COMFORT ZONE內, 要跨踏出一步,亦談何容易! ERIC, 你不單改變了個人的觀賞習慣, 唉, 還要改變這個空間的定義!

Another arnis story

As a left-hander, even in the fencing class, I used to practise with both hand but not simultaneously. Luckily, my coach beared with me. "In reality, martial artists always train themselves ambidextrous."she said.

That was the picking up of kata on arnis, we all seemed to get the hang of it using the right hand. During the brief break, I tried to ask Mari out of curiosity," Can you do it with the other hand?", and to my surprise, she simply noded her head. Together with the counting, we performed the routine in left hand manner from start to finish without much flaw. Of course, the footsteps needed to change accordingly. She showed me she's been practising that before.

To conclude? she's real serious.