The theme song for the Mark Six lottery in town was known to me as an instrumental composition. In actuality, this is an old song titled "Inkpot" and sung by a female vocalist from the group "Shocking Blue".
Now, Elaine is doing her vocal part at Tong3 with us backing on bass, drums and two guitars. After the non-stop watching of the footage on Youtube, we take down the changes as well as rythm patterns played by the instruments.
Though the song seems to be pretty simple, we just couln't grasp its vibes yet.
Now, Elaine is doing her vocal part at Tong3 with us backing on bass, drums and two guitars. After the non-stop watching of the footage on Youtube, we take down the changes as well as rythm patterns played by the instruments.
Though the song seems to be pretty simple, we just couln't grasp its vibes yet.
我過往一直以為城中六合彩主題音樂是原創的器樂作品, 事實上, 它出自"Shocking Blue" 樂隊之舊歌 "Inkpot" , 此歌由其女歌手演譯.
現下, 唐三的Elaine 擔任主唱, 我等伴以電貝司; 鼓....還有兩把結他. 在不停翻看Youtube 之片段後, 我們默記了歌曲的和弦變化及節奏模式等.
可這歌看似簡單, 卻仍未能奏出其神韻.
*Well, you don't have to read both.