
The Dedication

Hi "Rainbow"

Thank you for the dedication of the song that you've been listening for two long years every single night. Absolutely, as you said, it's a sad song. However, it got its own special color. Right?

Tell you a little story behind my writing of "Handy" inside the CD I gave you. While I was toying with the drop D capo (gadget for guitar playing ) once, an interesting idea of using it in some other fancy manners came up suddenly. To cut the long story short...,then, there's the birth of that acoustic instrumental.


彩虹, 你好:

多謝你送給我的歌, 它是一首你持續了兩年而且每個晚上都聽的歌, 誠如你說, 它蠻傷感的,不過,卻別有一番味道, 然否?

給你說一個小故事, 它是關於收錄在送你的CD上的那首個人創作 “Handy”. 有一回, 正當我在把玩彈結它用的Drop D capo 時, 突發奇想,腦中現出使用它的另類法子. 長話短說...,正是如此, 這個木結它演奏曲便誕下來.

